Piety in MTWII
What is the best way for generals and priests to get more piety?? Also, how can you get your priest elected to the College and ultimately be elected Pope???
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Best way to get piety for priests is to successfully denounce heretics, and to convert the population of provinces... They become cardinals if there is a vacant seat, and if they have sufficient piety...
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I wonder then what the trigger is for 'pagan magician' - because I get that retinue follower quite often, and he reduces your general's piety by 2.
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If you're in a province with a low percent of your own religion you can get this I believe. But I find it to be very easy to get....
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yes the pagen magician is very comman. Too comman. I belive this can be fixed so if you look around you will proberly find someone who can fix it. Also if you recruit preists in places with a...
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In my second English campaign I had 9 at a time... 4 of them had full piety! I think 5 popes on a row where form England in that game (or well, I think most of them where from the Levant...)
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yeah in one of my Sicily games I had something like 9 or 10 cardinals in the college of cardinals. It was quite awesome as I always won papal elections without having to do anything. A lot of the time...
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A great trick is to only recruit priests in a city where you have the Theologians Guild. With my England campaign, I recruited 5 priests, who all instantly became a Cardinal in the next turn.
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"A great trick is to only recruit priests in a city where you have the Theologians Guild" Yepp...also, if you have the Theologians Guild HQ you will get a +1 piety bonus to all priests recruited, no...
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right now in my Venetian campaign its 1166 and I have every single spot in the college of cardinals including all preferati's. Every single pope since the first one has been from my faction as well....
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Thats right. I got ten of the 13 places in the college. The pope shall always be scotish
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Building churches upgrades and lots of priests in the one province. Just designate a province to be the priest builder (which does not already have guild of course) and you will get the offer there...
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